Лікування опікових реконвалесцентів: сучасний стан проблеми (огляд літератури)


  • Н. Фісталь

Ключові слова:

рубці; рубцеві деформації; опіки; реабілітація


Стаття присвячена огляду сучасних видів лікування опікових реконвалесцентів. Описано хірургічні та консервативні методи лікування рубців і рубцевих деформацій після опіків, представлені способи визначення ефективності застосування цих методів, принципи контролю якості життя опікових реконвалесцентів. Визначено напрямки комбустіології та пластичної хірургії для вдосконалення лікування пацієнтів з наслідками опікової травми.


Azolov AV. Sistema reabilitatsii obozhzhennykh vo vsekh periodakh ozhogovoy bolezni [Rehabilitation system for those burned at all periods of burn disease]. Nizhny Novgorod; 2001. 28 p. (in Russian).

Akhmedov MG, Aliev MA, Akhmedov DM. Reabilitatsiya detey s ozhogami [Rehabilitation of children with burns]. Мoscow; 2008. 180-2 p. (in Russian).

Baindurashvili AG, Afonichev KA, Buklaev DS. Svobodnaya peresadka kozhi pri reabilitatsii detey s rubtsovymi posledstviyami ozhogov [Free skin grafting in the rehabilitation of children with cicatricial consequences of burns]. Мoscow; 2008. 182 p. (in Russian).

Barkhudarova NR, Burkov IV, Trusov AV. Otsenka endotelial'noy disfunktsii perifericheskikh arteriy i strukturnykh izmeneniy sosudistoy stenki u detey s posleozhogovymi rubtsovymi deformatsiyami i kontrakturami sustavov [Assessment of endothelial dysfunction of peripheral arteries and structural changes in the vascular wall in children with post-burn cicatricial deformities and joint contractures]. Мoscow; 2008. 183-4 p. (in Russian).

Belozerskaya YuA, Svyatenko TV, Yushchishin NI. Kompleksnyy podkhod k terapii bol'nykh so spontanno obrazovavshimisya keloidami [An integrated approach to the treatment of patients with spontaneously formed keloids]. Dermatologiya. Kosmetologiya. Seksopatologiya. 2004;1-2:153-5. (in Russian).

Belousov AE. Plasticheskaya khirurgiya rubtsov: vozmozhnosti i problemy [Scar plastic surgery: opportunities and challenges]. Esteticheskaya meditsina. 2005;4:145-52. (in Russian).

Bzhasso DM. Vybor metoda plasticheskogo zakrytiya obshirnykh defektov myagkikh tkaney golovy i shei [The choice of the method of plastic closure of extensive defects of the soft tissues of the head and neck] [dissertation abstract]. Моscow; 2008. 24 p. (in Russian).

Bogos'yan RA, Sivkova TV. Ispol'zovanie metoda ekspandernoy dermotenzii u bol'nykh s posledstviyami ozhogov litsa [The use of the expander dermotension method in patients with the consequences of facial burns]. Nizhegorodskiy meditsinskiy zhurnal. 2004. 197 p. (in Russian).

Galich SL, Dabazha AI, Furmakov AI. Khirurgicheskaya korrektsiya rubtsovykh deformatsiy konechnostey pri pomoshchi dermatenzii [Surgical correction of cicatricial deformities of the extremities using dermatosis]. Klinicheskaya khirurgiya. 2006;3:42-6. (in Russian).

Dmitriev GI, Vorob'ev AV, Peretyagin SP. Novaya kontseptsiya reabilitatsii obozhzhennykh [A new concept for the rehabilitation of the burned]. Мoscow; 2008. 188-9 p. (in Russian).

Fistal' EYa, Kozynets' HN, Samoilenko HYe. Kombustiolohiia [Combustiology]. Kiev: Interlink; 2004. 184 p. (in Ukrainian).

Korkunda SV. Optimizatsiya dermotenzii pri ustranenii rubtsovykh alopetsiy [Optimization of dermotension in the elimination of cicatricial alopecia] [dissertation abstract]. Kharkov; 2001. 24 p. (in Russian).

Makova EA, Gerasimova EA. Instruktor-metodist po lechebnoy fizkul'ture v reabilitatsionnoy sluzhbe ozhogovogo tsentra [Physical therapy instructor in the rehabilitation service of the burn center]. Мoscow; 2008. 28-9 p. (in Russian).

Malykhina TV. Lechenie i profilaktika keloidnykh rubtsov na kozhe molochnykh zhelez [Treatment and prevention of keloid scars on the skin of the mammary glands] [dissertation abstract]. Samara; 2000. 22 p. (in Russian).

Moroz VYu, Sharobaro VI, Starkov YuG. Novye podkhody k ballonnomu rastyazheniyu tkaney [New approaches to balloon stretching of tissues]. Annaly khirurgii. 2003;3:69-74. (in Russian).

Mishalov VV, Khrapach VV, Nazarenko IA. Problema diagnostiki i lecheniya patologicheskikh rubtsov [The problem of diagnosis and treatment of pathological scars]. Khirurhiia Ukrainy. 2008;4:109-14. (in Russian).

Moroz VYu, Sharobaro VI, Yudenich AA. Lechenie posleozhogovykh rubtsovykh deformatsiy kisti pri povrezhdeniyakh sukhozhiliy razgibateley [Treatment of post-burn cicatricial deformities of the hand with injuries of the extensor tendons]. Мoscow; 2008. 197 p. (in Russian).

Ozerskaya OS. Rubtsy kozhi i ikh dermatologicheskaya korrektsiya [Skin scars and their dermatological correction]. St. Petersburg; 2007. 224 p. (in Russian).

Fistal' EYa, Shtutin AA, Samoylenko GE. Organosokhranyayushchie operatsii pri subfastsial'nykh porazheniyakh konechnostey [Organ-preserving surgeries for subfascial lesions of the extremities]. Nizhny Novgorod; 2001. 121-2 p. (in Russian).

Osipov AA, Suvorova PN, Trubnikov PN. K voprosu o patogeneze i biomodelirovanii keloidnykh rubtsov [On the pathogenesis and biomodelling of keloid scars]. Detskaya khirurgiya. 2001;4:34-6. (in Russian).

Issledovanie kachestva zhizni patsientov – perspektivnyy sposob otsenki effektivnosti novykh podkhodov k lecheniyu postradavshikh ot termicheskoy travmy [The study of the quality of life of patients is a promising way to assess the effectiveness of new approaches to the treatment of victims of thermal injury]. Мoscow; 2008. 34-5 p. (in Russian).

Protsenko TV. Kompleksnoe lechenie bol'nykh s gipertroficheskimi rubtsami s primeneniem luchey Bukki [Complex treatment of patients with hypertrophic scars using Bucca rays] [dissertation abstract]. Мoscow; 1983. 24 p. (in Russian).

Savchenko VS, Huda NV. Dermotenziia pry vtrati volosianoho pokryvu holovy [Dermotension with loss of scalp]. Litopys travmatolohii ta ortopedii. 2004;1-2:93-4. (in Ukrainian).

Sarygin PV, Moroz VYu, Vaganova NA. Ispol'zovanie rubtsovoizmenennykh tkaney v lechenii total'nykh posleozhogovykh kontraktur shei [The use of scar tissue in the treatment of total post-burn contractures of the neck]. Мoscow; 2008. 197-9 p. (in Russian).

Sarygin PV, Moroz VYu, Popov SV. Printsipy khirurgicheskogo lecheniya posleozhogovykh defektov tkaney kisti [Principles of Surgical Treatment of Post-Burn Hand Tissue Defects]. Мoscow; 2008. 199-200 p. (in Russian).

Slesarenko SV, Prokopenko AN, Badyul PA. Rol' fizicheskoy reabilitatsii v kompleksnom khirurgicheskom lechenii postradavshikh s glubokimi porazheniyami konechnostey [The role of physical rehabilitation in the complex surgical treatment of victims with deep limb lesions]. Skoraya meditsinskaya pomoshch'. 2006;7(3):249-50. (in Russian).

Soboleva IV. Obosnovanie taktiki lecheniya detey s posleozhogovymi rubtsami kozhi [Substantiation of treatment tactics for children with post-burn skin scars] [dissertation abstract]. Мoscow; 2007. 26 p. (in Russian).

Tursunov BS, Shakirov BM. Reabilitatsiya bol'nykh s ozhogovymi deformatsiyami stopy i golenostopnogo sustava [Rehabilitation of patients with burn deformities of the foot and ankle joint]. Мoscow; 2008. 201-2 p. (in Russian).

Chmyrev IV, Erichev AN, Bogdanov AP. Kachestvo zhizni postradavshikh s termicheskoy travmoy [Quality of life for victims of thermal injury]. Мoscow; 2008. 55-6 p. (in Russian).

Shapovalov SG, Sukhoparova EP. Posleozhogovaya kozhno-rubtsovaya deformatsiya oblasti shei [Post-burn skin and cicatricial deformity of the neck area]. Мoscow; 2008. 206-7 p. (in Russian).

Sharobaro VI, Moroz VYu, Glabay LN. Sroki i etapnost' lecheniya posleozhogovykh rubtsovykh deformatsiy [Timing and stages of treatment of post-burn cicatricial deformities]. Мoscow; 2008. 207-8 p. (in Russian).

Yudenich AA, Kafarov TG, Sarygin PV. Ustranenie posleozhogovykh rubtsovykh deformatsiy verkhnikh i nizhnikh konechnostey s ispol'zovaniem mikrokhirurgicheskoy autotransplantatsii tkaney [Elimination of post-burn cicatricial deformities of the upper and lower extremities using microsurgical autotransplantation of tissues]. Мoscow; 2000. 281-2 p. (in Russian).

Yalalova GI, Kuvatov SS. Gal'vanogryazelechenie bol'nykh, perenesshikh ozhogovuyu travmu v sanatorii «Karagay» respubliki Bashkortostan [Galvanic mud treatment of patients who have suffered a burn injury in the sanatorium "Karagai" of the Republic of Bashkortostan]. Мoscow; 2008. 211-2 p. (in Russian).

Agikel G, Ulkur E, Guler M. Treatment of burn scars depigmentation by carbon dioxide laser-assisted dermabrasion and thin skin grafting. Plast Reconst Surg. 2000;105(6):1973-8.

Argirova M, Hadliiski O, Victorova A. Non-operative treatmrnt of hypertrophic scars and keloids after burns in children. Annals of burns and Fire Disasters. 2006;19:113-7.

Baryza MJ, Baryza GA. The Vancouver Scar Scale: an administration tool and its interrater reliability. J Burn Care Rehab. 1997;16(5):535-8.

Berman B. Prevention and management of hypertrophyс scars and keloids after burns in children. J Craniofac Surg. 2008;19(4):989-1006.

Bohacek L, Gomez M, Fish JS. An evaluation of Internet sites for burn scar managemement. Care Rehabil. 24(4):246-51.

Borgognoni L. Hypertrophic scars and keloids: immunophenotypic features and silicone sheets to prevent recurrences. Annals of Burns and Fire. 2000;8(3):164-9.

Bozkurt A. Retrospective analysis of tissue expansion in reconstructive burn surgery: evaluation of complication rates. Burns. 2008;34(8):1113-8.

Branagan M, Chenery DH, Nicholson S. Use of the infrared attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy for the in vivo measurement of hydration level and silicone distribution in the stratum corneum following skin coverage by polymeric dressings. Skin Pharmacol Appl Skin Physiol. 2000;13:157-64.

Connell PG, Harland CC. Treatment of keloid scars with pulsed dye lasers and intralesional steroid. J Cutan Laser Ther. 2000;2:147-50.

Colla C. Silicone and pressure treatment for recurrent ear keloids. Abstracts of 12th Congress of the European Burns Association. Budapest; 2007. 83 p.

Cubison T. Scar outcomes after the application of biological dressings: results of a randomised controlled study into scald healing. Abstracts of 12th Congress of the European Burns Association. Budapest; 2007. 29 p.

Dantas R. Reabilitation in brasilian burn patients: self-esteem, depression and gender effect. Abstracts of 12th Congress of the European Burns Association. Budapest; 2007. 83 p.

Donelan MB, Pavett BM, Sheridan RL. Pulsed dye laser therapy and t-plasty for facial burn scars: the alternative to excision. Ann Plast Surg. 2008;60(5):480-6.

Eberlein A. Erbium: IAG laser treatment of postburn scars: potentials and limitations. Burns. 2005;31(1):15-24.

Edwin A. Keloids: a 6 year review of the clinical relevance of steroid therapy. Abstracts of 12th Congress of the European Burns Association. Budapest; 2007. 29 p.

Guillot M. Physiotherapy for the treatment of scarring due to serious burns. Abstracts of 12th Congress of the European Burns Association. Budapest; 2007. 8 p.

Jordan RB, Daher J, Wasil K. Splints and scars management for acute and reconstructive burn care. Clinics in Plastic Suregery. 2000;27(1):71-85.

Kelemen O, Kollar L, Menuhei G. A comparative clinical study of the treatment of hypertrophic scars with either intralaesional steroids or silicone gel sheeting. Magy Seb. 2007;60(6):297-300.

Klimova OA, Chebotarev VY. Collagenolytic protease preparations from interbrates. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2000;130(7):671-5.

Lee JH, Kim SE, Lee AV. Effects of interferon-αβ on keloid treatment. Int J Dermatol. 2008;47(2):183-6.

Loladze M. Use of bilidase for the treatment of hypertrophic postburn cicatries. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2005;139(1):98-100.

Macintyre L, Baird M. Pressure garment for use in the treatment of hypertrophic scars. Burns. 2006;32(1):10-5.

Manuskiatti W, Fitzpatric RE.Treatment response of keloidal and hypertrophic scars. Arch of dermatology. 2002;138(9):1149-55.

Nacini FF, Najafian J, Ahmadpour K. Bleomycin tattooing as a promising therapeutic modality in large keloids and hypertrophy scars. Dermatol Surg. 32(8):1023-9.

Obdeijn MC, Nicolai JP, Werker PM. The osmotic tissue expander: a three year clinical experience. J Plast Reconsther Surg. 2008;26(8):1112-9.

Reisch RG, Ericsson E. Scars: a rewiew of emerging and currently available therapies. Plast Reconstr Surg. 122(4):1068-78.

Roxo RF. Successful treatment of a hypochromic scar with manual dermabrasion: case report. Derm Surg. 2003;29(2):189-91.

Saraiya H. Management of an unususal extreme extension contercture of the wrist. J Burn Care Rehabil. 2003;24(6):378-81.

Wohlrab J. Ultrasound characterization of burn scar in children. Unfallchirurg. 2000;103(9):754-60.




