Теорії та концепції психосоматичних захворювань


  • М. Коломоєць
  • Н. Павлюкович
  • В. Ходоровський
  • Є. Ткач

Ключові слова:

психосоматичні захворювання; теорія розвитку; стрес


У статті висвітлені сучасні уявлення про психологічні та фізіологічні механізми формування психосоматичних розладів.


Gindikin VYa. Somatogennye i somatoformnye psikhicheskie rasstroystva [Somatogenic and somatoform mental disorders]. Moscow: Triada-Kh; 2000. 256 р. (in Russian).

Isaev DN. Psikhosomaticheskie rasstroystva u detey [Psychosomatic disorders in children]. St. Petersburg: Piter; 2000. 512 р. (in Russian).

Kisker KP, Freyberger G, Roze GK, Vul'f E. Psikhiatriya, psikhosomatika, psikhoterapiya [Psychiatry, psychosomatics, psychotherapy]. Moscow: Aleteya; 1999. 504 р. (in Russian).

Krishtal' VV. Psikhosomaticheskaya patologiya: genez i podkhody k korrektsii [Psychosomatic pathology: genesis and approaches to correction]. Mezhdunarodnyy meditsinskiy zhurnal. 2001;7(1):37-40. (in Russian).

Mikhaylov BV. Psikhosomaticheskie rasstroystva kak obshchesomaticheskaya problema [Psychosomatic disorders as a general somatic problem]. Doktor. 2002;6:9-13. (in Russian).

Mykhailov BV, Sarvir IM, Bazhenov OS, Myroshnichenko NV. Somatoformni rozlady – suchasna zahal'nomedychna problema [Somatoform disorders are a modern general medical problem]. Ukrains'kyi medychnyi chasopys. 2003;3:73-6. (in Ukrainian).

Smulevich AB, Drobizhev MM. Sovremennye problemy psikhokardiologii [Modern problems of psychocardiology]. Vrach. 2004;6:4-8. (in Russian).

Smulevich AB, Syrkin VN, Kozyrev VN. Psikhosomaticheskie rasstroystva (klinika, epidemiologiya, terapiya, modeli meditsinskoy pomoshchi) [Psychosomatic disorders (clinic, epidemiology, therapy, models of care)]. Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii. 1999;99(4):4-15. (in Russian).

Freyd Z. Psikhologiya bessoznatel'nogo [Psychology of the unconscious]. Moscow; 1990. 169 р. (in Russian).

Freyd Z. Psikhologiya i zashchitnye mekhanizmy [Psychology and defense mechanisms]. Moscow; 1993. 120 р. (in Russian).

Chaban OS, Khaustova OO. Psykhosomatychni rozlady: novi aspekty rozuminnia, diahnostyky ta likuvannia [Psychosomatic disorders: new aspects of understanding, diagnosis and treatment]. Nova medytsyna. 2004;5:26-30. (in Ukrainian).

Khaustova OO. Psykhosomatychni rozlady v praktytsi simeinoho likaria [Psychosomatic disorders in the practice of a family doctor]. Liky Ukrainy. 2005;9:15-8. (in Ukrainian).

Grassi L, Mangelli L, Fava GA, Grandi S, Ottolini F, Porcelli P, et al. Psychosomatic characterization of adjustment disorders in the medical setting: some suggestions for DSM-V. J Affect Disord. 2007;101(1-3):251-4.

Samuels MA. The brain-heart connection. Circulation. 2007;116(1): 77-84.

Flammer E, Alladin A. The efficacy of hypnotherapy in the treatment of psychosomatic disorders: meta-analytical evidence. Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2007;55(3):251-74.

Salmon P, Humphris GM, Ring A, Davies JC, Dowrick CF. Primary care consultations about medically unexplained symptoms: patient presentations and doctor responses that influence the probability of somatic intervention. Psychosom Med. 2007;69(6):571-7.

Dundas B, Harris M, Narasimhan M. Psychogenic polydipsia review: etiology, differential, and treatment. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2007;9(3):236-41.

Nau JY. Psychophysiologic disorders and their management. Rev Med Suisse. 2007;3(111):1273-85.

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Thiel A, Zipfel S. Health concepts and coping with disease and symptoms. Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol. 2007;57(5):193-4.

Tam WH, Chung T. Psychosomatic disorders in pregnancy. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2007;19(2):126-32.

Feldmann CT, Bensing JM, de Ruijter A. Worries are the mother of many diseases: general practitioners and refugees in the Netherlands on stress, being ill and prejudice. Patient Educ Couns. 2007;65(3):369-80.

Fava GA, Fabbri S, Sirri L, Wise TN. Psychological factors affecting medical condition: a new proposal for DSM-V. Psychosomatics. 2007;48(2):103-11.

Lorber W, Mazzoni G, Kirsch I. Illness by suggestion: expectancy, modeling, and gender in the production of psychosomatic symptoms. Ann Behav Med. 2007;33(1):112-6.

McCaffery JM, Snieder H, Dong Y, de Geus E. Genetics in psychosomatic medicine: research designs and statistical approaches. Psychosom Med. 2007;69(2):206-16.

Hange D, Bengtsson C, Sundh V, Björkelund C. The natural history of psychosomatic symptoms and their association with psychological symptoms: observations from the Population Study of Women in Gothenburg. Eur J Gen Pract. 2007;13(2):60-6.

Linden M, Muschalla B. Anxiety disorders and workplace-related anxieties. J Anxiety Disord. 2007;21(3):467-74.

Shorter E. Hysteria and catatonia as motor disorders in historical context. Hist Psychiatry. 2006;17(68 Pt 4):461-78.

Persaud R. Patients do not demand and doctors do not misunderstand – how medically unexplained symptoms become medicalized. Psychosom Med. 2006;68(6):993-7.

Meissner WW. Psychoanalysis and the mindbody relation. Psychosomatic perspectives. 2006;70(4):295-315.




